The sky frowned and wept great tears, the condensation of heavy emotion. I realized that thunder is really the sound of a heart breaking somewhere, and lightening, lightning is the residual electricity left snapping between the ends of separated lovers.
I'm left wondering when this tension became magnetic, pulling us together and requiring a bipolar rejection at the same time. I wonder when the meeting of these two friendly winds became a boxing ring, a circle of hot and cold that just brings both of us down.
Sometimes, words shoot from our mouths like tornadoes and destroy the bridges we built to cross over our differences. And, it isn't just Zeus that fights with lighting bolts. I've heard you say things that melt through my armor and scar my very being all for the sake of the shock factor.
Our anger can swell so thick that we block out the rays of the sun. And then, it's not just our own lives we are stealing. The consequence of uncontrolled emotion stretches a long shadow.
All I can say is, I think we need to connect the circuit. Passion and power are dangerous steeds to gallop without bridles. So, meet me in the middle. Drop your weapons and walk unarmed into the eye of the storm. Because when we meet face to face as equals, we can give or take a few electrons.
LOVE this D!!!! Sorry about the misunderstanding this past event =( I can't wait to hear you!!!